A brother's last breath acquiesces,
A father's death nourishes pest and soil,Lead is planted to grow fallow land,
And the Earth… has stopped spinning.
The horizon vomits bile of flame,
Consuming all the while,
And the skeletons of family homes bleed a sad remorse
While lamenting plaster tears as brick falls to the Earth.
Steel Titans lie defeated next to the hopscotch grid,
And if they could speak they would tell a horror story
From the perspective of their one Cyclops eye,
Of how they clashed with men and swam in rivers crimson.
Sunshine looms just above the ground,
Lightly caressing asphalt as it engulfs men,
It raises blisters and surfaces blood,
And its victims drown in melted lung.
A symphony comes to mind, a ballad or ode to Hades,
As steel plays a scale on arterial tissue,
Always followed by a piercing high note,
Or sometimes a soft gurgle and a fade to a silent end.
Shadows adhere to walls with grimaces of shock and awe,
As cornea is incinerated and retina is liquefied,
People are turned to dust, from which they came,
And fungus towers above the earth,
As it all concludes in one... Swift ...Wave
nice poem bro, supporting you
Man I havent read any poetry for awhile, good to broaden the mind
lovely poem.. brought me to tears (no homo)
That was great have you ever thought of writing lyrics ? i have a friend who needs some good lyrics ( along the lines of Confession)
Full of emotion, I'm loving it <3
Thats a pretty awesome poem. Reminds me of some of the danish seventies stuff.
visiting again and liking what I read
:O its beautifull
I like your poem :) Reminds me a bit of some Greek Mythology.
Awesome ...
wow ... great one! followin!
Loving it
sad but beautiful
Great ;)
Do you write these by yourself?
yes, i wrote these a few months ago
Very well written
Very nice. I'm awful at writing :(
I wish I was as good as you :)
Awesome poem!
Good stuff.
Write a happy poem :)
I liked it very much.
showin your page some daily love, bee tee dubz.
Lovely! U have talent girl!
Followback :D
wonderful, pleasure to read:) clicky
hmm, your post gave me something to think about...
This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :) Thank you.
Poetry though not rare, is a rare thing to share. Thank you.
The pic in your post would make a great background. also nice post!
Love the NYC picture! I used to live in New York, I miss it terribly. D:
It's never to late to learn some polish
wow, amazing!
love the poem
heh, just want to let you know, you have white and caucasion in the poll for race, unless you meant to do that.
cool blog keep it up!
nice! some parts reminded me of "Knowing"
That was quite amazing
Wow, this one is beautiful also, returning some daily love :)
That was great. Look forward to more.
write a book make more cash monies.
Jeez thats deep...
marry me please give me ur msn or something i will add you !!! leave them on my blog or somehow i don't know :(
very good! Thank you
Beautiful I love it.
So easy to get lost in the city. Thanks for sharing this!
left me speechless.
thank for all the heartful comments guys!
Cool Story /b/ro
btw...loved it.
I want to be in a band with you
Great poem actually, I got to say that it was very well written. Thanks for sharing it with us!
beautiful as always!
Just beautiful.
Great Poem!
cool as usual :)
Nice, this is going to have to be one of those blogs I read while I'm at work and should realy be working...
Very nice. keep up the good stuff :-)
I like your poetry but that fish thing on the side is entertaining on its own, I've wasted like 10 minutes already playing with it.
Follow me bros.
kinda bittersweet the thoughts that come in my head after reading this
checkin blogs out and showin support.
check me out bro?
wow this blog looks good check out mine
Great little poem, keep up the hard work!
lol, you just made me lol
Spreading the love!
i took a few pictures right there too, i love new york and cant wait to go back..
youre mega cute :3
this should def. go into a song :)
followed looking forward more of these :)
Still waiting for a more calm poem and/or story.
Actually, I'd love to see another story from you. :)
Showing some daily love. :)
Really like this one!