My heartbeat speeds up
I try to rid the pain
Not knowing where it's from
There is a lonely girl in the dark forest
On her rests a white gown
Her black eyes pierces through my fragile body
she sees deep within my soul
Life is taken away from me.
She chases after me
I scream for help.
No sound comes out
No one is here, no one.
I clutch a blade in my hand
I exert all my force.
I wake up.
My palms are dripping with blood.
hmm this one is kinda creepy :P
Wow, this is just like, amazing! 10/10
i loved it
Gotta love a good morbid poem
That was nice.
good poem
i love how your pictures get the meaning.
you poem is some really deep shit man
just great, keep it up (y)
I really liked this one.
Holy shit, Nightmarish!
Was I the only one thinking about a twisted version of sleeping beauty?
Good poem, keep up the good work
I wished a girl chased me ;o;
thats great, would like to hear some of your own work too :P
beautiful poem *tear*
awesome poem
keep writing! :)
pretty good actually :D
Good writing. Wish I knew how it should be interpreted.
Nice horror theme for your poem
Great. Genuine reader here
Nice poem, I like how the only tag is murder
good to see you today
gud poem
Creepy. A murderous sleep walker?
poem was the bomb one of the best ive seen keep doin what you doin awesome, terrific, great job.