Am an arrogant chauvinist
With an inflated self opinion and
A humble, pinkish skin.
Where did I go wrong?
Our Government
Is a lame work horse
That fails to move the load
Or a black pustule that oozes
A festered corruption.
Where did they go wrong?
Is the lurid crust of psoriasis,
Splitting and bleeding ignorance,
Held to the Body only by the fibrous
Tension of amino acids like "Church" and "Cult".
Where did we go wrong?
Is the gruesome, twisted legs of polio,
In place to hold the Body up,
Now merely limiting its movement
With surges of debilitating shock and parochial insights.
Where did God go wrong?
Look to the moon for comfort,
To evaporate the agony of realization
With her pale glow, and take deep breaths
In hope of catching her scent in the breeze.
She has never steered me wrong.
Ain't that the truth... =/ But we gotta make the best of the world we can, and not let its flaws overtake us.
Another great poem. So true.
Really shows life in a different light.
thats actually quite accurate, nice. daily rounds =)
Great poem, almost made me tear up
holy shit, picture made me trip balls
Actually never before have I liked to read poems but yours are really nice and smooth to read. You have a nice style!
still you make me feel goose bumps
That was okay.
Makes me think...
awesome poem!
keep up the good work
wow great stuff! :)
Wow, very nice, love the poems here.
o wow i like that. :D
decent blog man! likin it.
i could never write poetry
Incredible stuff
like it, it does it's part without getting preachy. good looking.
Very good stuff.
this is some pretty powerful stuff.
do u write these?
and yes, i do write these to all questions above and below (people just don't read)
Like them. Wish I could think how to write stuff like these.
awesome blog keep it up!
I love the moon.
Nice pic bro! Loved the verse about the government :)
So this is the place...!
Cool story bro
nice poem, I enjoyed
oh man....
Favulous poem !
nice work
I really like this one.
Definitely like this one.
interesting read dude
spread the love sometime you know how
super cool story bro
deep yo
The beautiful thing about poetry is you cannot break rules, you can only set them. Love and peace
this is a great poem
Following back.
Great poem. Makes you think
Your poems are incredible! And just seen you are from France! First part of my travels :D
I like how you start each stanza with a single line just meant for the subject of the stanza
cool poem!
That's deep, yo.
dont rly dig poems but this one is pretty good tbh
good stuff, i can relate.
Read it again and love it.
WOW, actually like this :]
The one about the government is the truest. Good work man
Very nice poem!
Its a little difficult to understand poems if english is not your first language, but the parts that I understanded are very cool.
following you.
very good!
i actually really enjoyed this. with a little bit of work and organization you could definitely find yourself in journals and compilations.
following to track your development
very nice.
Beautifully written Caroline, I wish I had your level of talent so my composition class would be a little easier ;p
love this bit:
Am an arrogant chauvinist
With an inflated self opinion and
A humble, pinkish skin.
so beautifully described, so vital, so vivid.
that was very beautifully written. i'm very impressed
nice poem
Depressingly accurate, why can't you write about more happy things. i_i
Good work, looking forward to more :)
Art, I find this really good. Something I'm not capable of.
i absolutely love this, but have to disagree on one thing, religion should be attributed to man, not God. man fucked religion up.