Tri Duong
I need this like I need a bullet in my head,
But the truth is such: I would prefer the bullet.
A cranium full of lead.
Please, if I beg hard enough,
Promise to blend my brains, make grey matter soup
With blood for broth.
Paint the walls with my intellect and
Put a second coat of my memories.
(Is it a nice color?
Does it satiate your lurid sense of taste?)

Cut my wrists, embed the steel six inches
Below my skin, sever the tendons from bone.
Obstruct the flow of elixir, make it scatter
Off into the abyss, where life ceases to exist.
(I can feel my life freezing in the
Deathtrap pouch of flesh called a heart.)

Force feed me cyanide,
Funnel it down my throat.
Give me a suicide capsule to choke on,
While you are at it:
Drown me with mustard gas,
I want my lungs to rupture
Liberating a horrifying wave of fluids,
Spilling the rest of my life with it.
(I want to go without mercy.)
55 Responses
  1. Alex Says:
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  2. Chris Says:

    Is the photo you? Did you write this yourself? If so, you're beautiful and very talented! Followed <3

  3. Airmac Says:

    Great Poem, share the daily love bro/sis.

  4. Him Says:
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  5. Epic Fitness Says:

    Here is a poem just for you
    Cause everyone needs friends or two
    Friends are important in all we do
    I'd like to be friends with you

    I memorized that poem when I was like 5.

  6. Leinhart Says:

    Woah... you're..


  7. Anonymous Says:
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  8. 3fD Says:

    you must be a trap instead!

  9. darghe Says:

    >forcefeed me cyanide

    this line is marvelous

  10. Amorality Says:

    Hi there, I will continue following your blog. here is a haiku

    first five syllables
    then seven more syllables
    blah blah fucking blah

  11. Nice poem, I like your blog!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I love your poems! Well worthy of a follow!

  14. Unknown Says:

    returning the favor
    also tk go troll on ur own blog fucker

  15. i'm in your page givin you a favor! pls return it! :3
    and remove captcha! :p

  16. oh lawds Says:

    nice pic, have a click

  17. to disable captcha: blog options tab -> comments tab -> scroll down and somewhere there you can disable it :)

  18. MisterFlowzz Says:
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  19. Nau Says:
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. phaman Says:

    great to view some original content, keep it up :)

  21. Jeebus Crust Says:
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  22. vibe Says:
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  23. Anonymous Says:

    very nice

  24. Lil Pee Says:

    Dang that poem made me sad..

  25. Anonymous Says:

    cute picture :)

  26. Grape Says:

    I'm off to read your other stuff now :). Definitely following. Look me up if you feel like it !

  27. Chris Says:
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  28. Flinflop Says:

    Made me think hard about myself. Enjoyed it very much.

  29. sk1bby Says:

    Great poem, can't wait for more, please let them have nun chucks in them

  30. KC. Says:

    I really love this poem. Thank you for sharing!

  31. Mika Saint Says:
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  32. The End. Says:

    keep up the good work. very nice read

  33. Fiend Piece Says:
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  34. Isaac J Holt Says:

    Reminds me of... high school.

  35. Randy Says:
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  36. Anonymous Says:

    hey girl very good:) when is the winner being announced for the jblive tour?

  37. capn Says:

    i think it suck, but that's just my opinion. it sucks that you're going through as much pain as it sounds like you are. get well soon.

  38. Cap'n Jack Says:

    Wow that's not bad, bit of a dark one after the picture though!

  39. Anonymous Says:

    cool poem bro

  40. Anonymous Says:

    beautiful poem =)

  41. applecider Says:

    quite a morbid poem for such a pretty picture.

  42. John Denon Says:

    Very nice. keep it up :)


  43. Are we going to get a soothing entry for every three morbid ones? Not to say I disliked it but I prefer the former better.

  44. nyachan Says:

    Day by day support ;)

  45. YEP, GEDDON! Says:

    Beautiful, and a great poem.

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