I remember not, the Father of my youth,
But instead I recall an absence,
An absence of memory,
And an absence of nurture.
I remember not, His didactic touch,
If there ever was one,
Because his hands were always filthy,
And busy with the heavy load of inebriation.
I remember not, a kiss from those lips,
If even possible,
Because his lungs were always arrested by tar,
And asphyxiation seemed imminent.
I remember not, a Father figure,
But instead I recall a gap,
A gap in grey matter,
And a gap to separate our natures.
good vocab, makes for imagery. keep going. we all love a creative tortured soul
I adore your poems !
Reading things like this realize that whenever I become a father, I better do a damn good job, but then again, I might want a poet for a child. Sorry for making light of what reads as a pretty dark subject.
That is truly deep, nicely done :)
real horrorshow, keep it up brother
hahah I love this. Very beautiful poems
Nicely written Caroline. It was weird noticing how well I can relate to this poem as I was reading.
I like the repetitive initial phrases on each stanza! nice style!
This is brilliant stuff.
I love it. Great poem.
Works well with the picture. Your template is wild btw =).
Really nice :)
For me it's qamazing how you can write something amazing like this every day. I don't think I could do it.
Was this something you made up or actually based on your own memories?
Not sure if I understood this one too well, but from what I gathered, it sounds like either a father that died due to smoking or someone that was just so different, you and he never really knew each other... Either way, it was an interesting read for me.
another great one, nice pic also.
I have so many old writings, that this might have inspired me to put em up the interwebs. Good stuff.
wow very insightful :)
good to see you're beating inertia today!
real good stuff
Deep man. Deep.
Live your poems.. :)
Well said.
love it. i write aswell
giving <3
love it!
i did everything <3
supporting and support me back. You're also kinda hot too.
very deep touched my soul
I liked this one!
Very touching. I like your writing.
Wow that was extraordinary, very beautful.
Nice, liked the other better though D:
I love your stuff :)
This is pretty intense. If this is directed toward your father figure, I hope there is a way you two can work it out if he isn't gone. Just showin' some support of your art! Don't hesitate to check out my blog :D -Treekuza
i cried ;)
deep shit yo
Very deep, I never had to go through something like that and I hope you aren't writing from experience.
great poem
I liek the picture
Wow dats deep.
very soothing words~ worth the read!
And asphyxiation seemed imminent
Good stuff
You are beautiful, please marry me
very lovely, i'll definetly keep coming back
Love your posts, will keep up with them!
your poems are awesome!
support me and ill support you!
what a hilarious read... great post
reminds me of how i return everything done to me on here.
Showing some love. :)
That's quite sad, I hope you real father wasn't like that.
Woow, thats deep.. Keep on the good work.
Yeah i support your poetry