Tri Duong

Laying in the dank, dark
Of night, I attempt to hark, the
Vivacious angel dreaming
Evermore with pupil`s gleaming.

Living off the dribbling pollen
Out of the lily flower fallen, with
Vehement and fervent intentions
Eschewing falsified inventions.

Lamenting crystalline jewels
Over-obsessive fools,
Verify that one last beat of heart
Every time does death do us part.
102 Responses
  1. PC Games Says:
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  2. Getter Robo Says:
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Fons Says:

    Nice but very sad :(

  4. Movie Review Says:

    I met my quota for poetry today

  5. ElusiveLynx Says:

    When I was younger I used to write alot, including poetry. This is really good :)

  6. That's really good... Why not start writing songs for a big record company ;)

  7. Anonymous Says:

    again a great poem <3

  8. Zi Says:

    nice, yeah it's similar to mine :)

  9. Anonymous Says:

    Very nice poem...

    The Daily Soup-port Train is rolling by all stations!

  10. Garbanian Says:

    very pretty! keep it up!

  11. Did you do this yourself? Good work

  12. I went from enjoying your poetry to becoming a fan of your work as I've been keeping up with the blog. You are skilled keep up the hard work.

  13. Ante Babaja Says:

    very nice poets, support :)

  14. Orzo Says:

    i love this boem bro, keep up the blogging

  15. Steve Says:

    Showing you some loooovvvveeeee

  16. Japannews Says:

    Beautiful poem. Really touches the soul!

  17. Gloistina Says:

    very very very nice hopefully everyday yields something like this

  18. Max Says:

    Very nice poetry. Also supporting.

  19. Szarooki Says:

    Amazing poem! I'm waiting for the next ones!

  20. Ishu Says:

    I Love love-dead poems!!! Support!

  21. Croyal Says:

    Yet another great poem. I still want a story though! :p

  22. Shirahime Says:

    Really nice =D

    Nice detail the hidden LOVE on each paragraph.

    Keep it up!

  23. The End. Says:

    good post. keep up the good work.

  24. The Loon Says:


  25. x Says:

    love, love everywhere!±

  26. YEP, GEDDON! Says:
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. azurebalmung Says:

    D'aww, sad yet sweet at the same time

  28. epicness2729 Says:

    Nice!!! Showing some daily support!

  29. - Says:

    That's beautiful, thank you so much for sharing (:

  30. Wow these are really good poems, you're very creative.

  31. Anti1337 Says:

    love your words, they bring me to life every day ~ <3

  32. Another incredible poem! Keep up the great work

  33. didnt read but hers a comment =D

  34. Joe Dirt Says:

    whoa that's pretty good :D

  35. I like how you didn't reuse any of the first letter-words, shows real effort and creativity. Keep it up!

  36. Short and sweet, LOVE IT

    Supportin' daily.

  37. Spencer Says:

    Very nice. Definitely following.

    A few lines on my blog too! :3

  38. Anonymous Says:

    Brilliant! Keep em commings

  39. DizZzY Says:

    Nice poem
    Making friends and showing support
    follow and VIEW my blogs?

  40. hype-machine Says:

    School may be a drag, but I certainly do enjoy it.

  41. iammyself Says:

    this one's great. i was moved

  42. Anonymous Says:

    oh my........... (:
    i'll come back for more

  43. Anonymous Says:

    Great poems

  44. Daniel Says:

    Very creative, I like how you managed to incorporate LOVE for every verse.

  45. jus1 Says:

    nice blog showing support

  46. Squall Says:

    That poem is really beautiful :)

  47. Tri Duong Says:

    thanks guys for all the kind and wonderful comments!

  48. hamonrye Says:

    Pretty girls get all the comments right?

  49. Commsky Says:

    I used to hate poetry... it's weird

  50. Saveit Says:

    Always good stuff. I hope you check my blog daily too.

  51. REV Says:

    keep up the good stuff bro
    i'm diggin it

  52. FIAIN Says:

    I appreciate that you at least attempt to look at what I posted on my blog, thanks! <3

    ps I enjoyed the poem's theme

  53. Very nice end to the poem. Well done as usual.

  54. Very nice choice of words, it really shows that you're from paris, each word is like a musical note.

  55. Caroline, would you mind helping me with something? Hit me back with a comment or my email ( if you can.

    Thank you!

  56. michael Says:

    nice poem, kind of sad at the end, but very well written... You are very talented :)

  57. grizz Says:

    i died a little inside. TRICKY poem!

  58. Gabriel Says:

    Well done, look forward to more.

  59. MTB111 Says:

    very nice. really enjoyed the read!!!

  60. Tal Zahn Says:

    I know it is highly inappropriate, but I noticed I could rap that poem. :X

    Well done, as always.

  61. Alex Says:

    love it love it love it!!!

  62. Swarmster Says:
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. i just made a song for it.

  64. x Says:

    love is what love wants.

  65. Slumph Says:

    I love the use of



  66. Tidibus Says:
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  67. Anonymous Says:

    Again i love your poëm.

    i remember you for checking my blog daily and realy got your back :)

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