Tri Duong
Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.
18 Responses
  1. r0gu3st4tuz Says:

    really feel it in that one. good poem. need the framed.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    so sweet

  3. Anonymous Says:

    cute poem and picture, keep it up :)

  4. Frank Says:

    Amazing poem man, really beautiful!

  5. Anonymous Says:

    so beautiful!

  6. Lizard Says:

    beautiful poem. i remember having to learn this in the 4th grade.

  7. Carl Says:

    Great poem and very true, following you!

  8. Marco Says:

    True.. One must allways have dreams and goals. Without them living is pointless.

  9. Dreams are essentially what keep us all going

  10. 3milelimit Says:

    Are these originals? Their nice!

  11. Anonymous Says:


  12. Very true. Without dreams, you lack motiviation

  13. JakeNBake Says:

    deep stuff man, keep it goin!

  14. Anonymous Says:

    I enjoy this <3

  15. Anonymous Says:

    I really enjoyed this poem Im actually going to right an essay and do a power-point presintation on this I thought this was an amazing heart touching poem I give you props nice creativity <3

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