Young palmer sun, that to these shining sands
Pourest thy pilgrim's tale, discoursing still
Thy silver passages of sacred lands,
With news of Sepulchre and Dolorous Hill,
Canst thou be he that, yester-sunset warm,
Purple with Paynim rage and wrack desire,
Dashed ravening out of a dusty lair of Storm,
Harried the west, and set the world on fire?
Hast thou perchance repented, Saracen Sun?
Wilt warm the world with peace and dove-desire?
Or wilt thou, ere this very day be done,
Blaze Saladin still, with unforgiving fire?
Pic was cool, I'm rubbish at interpreting poems though sorry. Following and looking forward to some short stories. :)
Hmm sounds deep not very good with poems either good luck with writing hope to see something that catches my eye
I love the last stanza. I'm not sure what all the capitalized words are, but the sounds of "Saracen Sun" and "Blaze Saladin still" are really nice.
Haven't been here in a while, nice job on the template :P
very beutifule pics
great post
Nice post man check out my reviews :)
this is really good. I love songs that could easily double as poems. gives me some good material to work from ;D
I'm not normally one for poetry, but I actually liked this one. Keep writing :)
vvery interesting man
not sure about the thee and thou stuff. too much like church.
love it! keep up with that stuff
The man is dead why to you keep telling him to keep it up?
Nice blog following
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