Tri Duong

A NOISELESS, patient spider,
I mark'd, where, on a little promontory, it stood, isolated;
Mark'd how, to explore the vacant, vast surrounding,
It launch'd forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself;
Ever unreeling them--ever tirelessly speeding them.

And you, O my Soul, where you stand,
Surrounded, surrounded, in measureless oceans of space,
Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing,--seeking the spheres, to
connect them;
Till the bridge you will need, be form'd--till the ductile anchor
Till the gossamer thread you fling, catch somewhere, O my Soul.
29 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    thank you for sharing such beautiful poem :)

  2. Anonymous Says:

    very cool poem! nice blog too.

  3. dee jey Says:

    nice poem . i like it

  4. Anonymous Says:

    ok so i enjoyed the poem even though spiders scare the crap out of me. thanks for the post!

  5. UCH i hate spiders though check out my reviews :3

  6. Flippy Says:

    whitman is great. he is my inspiration for my more classical sounding poems.

  7. Mark Says:

    Nice poem. But no matter what anyone says, Damn, that spider is scary

  8. Any interesting perspective from a normally feared creature.

  9. Sam Says:

    Whitman sure has a way with words

  10. Anonymous Says:

    such a pretty poem, I've never read this one before, thank you :)

  11. Short Poems Says:

    Beautiful blog and nicely written poem, love it!

    All the best
    Marinela x

  12. Wesh Says:

    In my oppinion the poem itself is way different from what I would have thought it would be like when I read the title

    not that this was a bad thing :)

    following you, you've got some cool stuff in here

  13. Mike H Says:

    Walt Whitman was one of my favorite poets when I was in high school. good stuff!

  14. Ashlyyy Says:

    great poem, i like it(A)!

  15. *^_^* Says:

    Wonderful! Awesome!

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