Tri Duong

Tri Duong
I recently attended the Careers in International Business Panel in Bartley 1011. There were a total of four alumni who came and gave everyone an overview of their experiences in their respective majors. The first person was James Healy who works for GE Capital. He talked about some of his assignments visiting Mexico City, Argentina, and various other places. The next person was Richard, who specializes in logistics and had previously lived and worked in Japan for eight and a half years. Then there was Kaitlyn who majored in finance and minored in spanish, who currently works as an auditor for Vanguard. Lastly, Carlos majored in marketing management and works for Rolls Royce. The four individuals at the panel all gave different and unique perspectives of their lifestyle and work environment overseas, especially how it impacted their life. For example, the language barrier was definitely a challenge for some of the panels at first. However, the challenge itself was opportunity as well because it influenced Kaitlyn and James to overcome and ultimately embrace the difficulty. Also, the panels made it clear that working internationally is not all fun like a vacation would be, because work after all, is work. But, work can be fun and exciting if you are passionate with the work you do.

I thought the panel was very interactive and information. It gave me a great generalization of what international business is like. I learned that besides business, other majors are opening up globally too because the world is adapting the concept of globalization. Additionally, I learned that while considering international business is good, the main priority for me is to focus on my school first. Hopefully in the future, I will be able to pursue or integrate international business into my daily life.
Tri Duong
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Tri Duong

A NOISELESS, patient spider,
I mark'd, where, on a little promontory, it stood, isolated;
Mark'd how, to explore the vacant, vast surrounding,
It launch'd forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself;
Ever unreeling them--ever tirelessly speeding them.

And you, O my Soul, where you stand,
Surrounded, surrounded, in measureless oceans of space,
Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing,--seeking the spheres, to
connect them;
Till the bridge you will need, be form'd--till the ductile anchor
Till the gossamer thread you fling, catch somewhere, O my Soul.
Tri Duong
I HOLD that when a person dies
His soul returns again to earth;
Arrayed in some new flesh-disguise
Another mother gives him birth.
With sturdier limbs and brighter brain
The old soul takes the road again.

Such is my own belief and trust;
This hand, this hand that holds the pen,
Has many a hundred times been dust
And turned, as dust, to dust again;
These eyes of mine have blinked and shown
In Thebes, in Troy, in Babylon.

All that I rightly think or do,
Or make, or spoil, or bless, or blast,
Is curse or blessing justly due
For sloth or effort in the past.
My life's a statement of the sum
Of vice indulged, or overcome.

I know that in my lives to be
My sorry heart will ache and burn,
And worship, unavailingly,
The woman whom I used to spurn,
And shake to see another have
The love I spurned, the love she gave.

And I shall know, in angry words,
In gibes, and mocks, and many a tear,
A carrion flock of homing-birds,
The gibes and scorns I uttered here.
The brave word that I failed to speak
Will brand me dastard on the cheek.

And as I wander on the roads
I shall be helped and healed and blessed;
Dear words shall cheer and be as goads
To urge to heights before unguessed.
My road shall be the road I made;
All that I gave shall be repaid.

So shall I fight, so shall I tread,
In this long war beneath the stars;
So shall a glory wreathe my head,
So shall I faint and show the scars,
Until this case, this clogging mould,
Be smithied all to kingly gold.